Saturday, November 3, 2007

Exams Part VI; Returning Exams

Exams Part VI: Returning Exams

TTY: Tom Bowers

Emotions are a bit high on the day we return exams. We usually return them at the end of the class because otherwise, the students cannot focus on the class at hand. However, we do allow time for the process. The papers are alphabetized so the students can pick theirs up and leave the room.

Prior to picking up their paper, we post the statistics for combined sections including average, median, standard deviation, high-low score. We post the answers on Blackboard.

In the event of a grading error or need for further discussion, we ask the students to WRITE their concern and return the paper to the professor within one week. There are several reasons for this procedure. Some students are too timid or nervous to verbally make their case. It is much less threatening to write out a concern. Similarly, with written comments, I do not make any changes with the student present. I consider any challenges based only on their written comments. Some, of course, are obvious (points added wrong, clear error) but others require consistency to all students.

The professor needs to understand the wide variety of emotions for the students on this day. Some are delighted, others deeply disappointed. Being direct with clear explanation of the results without comments is how I handle this tough day.

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